Who is the man of the modernity?

I asked this question to myself so many times ... He is no more a perfect proportioned body as he was considered in the Ancient Greece and captured by the sculptor Prassitele, but neither a moral father who has the power to take decision for all the family, as the stereotypical image during the Middle Age (lead in the Italian movie Padre Padrone of Taviani's brothers).

Recently in Italy happened something regarding this:

The Fashion Week took place in Milan and the Gucci's new seasons collection was debated a lot. Why? Because the Manifesto, ideated by the art director Alessandro Michele called Masculine, Plural delineated the man of the modernity, who is free from society and from the classical rules usually attributed to a man (like not wearing a skirt, for example).
An other example can be found in the last Sanremo's edition, which is the Festival of the Italian song and where every year, 24 singers or bands who are on the edge of being popular take part at the event. One of them was Achille Lauro with the song Me ne frego (namely, I don't give a shit). The song was not so original but his performance was a shock for the Italian audience. He wore a typical femminile dancer tutu and he justifies his decision for Vice's Magazine:

Sono allergico ai modi maschili, allora indosso capi di abbigliamento femminili. Sono fatto così, mi metto quello che mi piace, anche se è una pochette. È da femmina? Allora sono una femminuccia. (I'm allergic to men's behaviors, for this reason I wear femminile clothes. This is me, I wear what I like, even if it is a pochette. Is it for girls only? Well, I'm a pussy).

This blog is about the man of the modernity and his manifestations in everyday life. The aim is showing to all that there is no more, or maybe it never existed, a single type of man, but several ones and highlighting all of them is important to improve the society, because it permits to all men to be free and express themselves. 

* The photo is public and it is used by many different sources


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